As always, I read this book in different locations. I would read the book on the train ride to school and back from school. Since the train is loud and sometime crowded, I would have to read the same parts I read over again to understand what the text is saying. I also read this book in the kitchen with the TV turned on. I would get sidetracked and find myself looking up at the TV once in a while. There were parts where I read it in my room where I was focused since it wasn't noisy. I am also confused with some parts of the story. I think I missed something or didn't pay close attention.

                 In this chapter, it shows the religious side of Patria. Ever since her son went to jail, she been praying and connecting herself with Jesus a lot, hoping he'll be released. She also mentioned, "Take me instead, I'll be your sacrificial lamb." This shows how she rather be the one in jail instead of her family members and this also links to how Jesus rather sacrifice himself so humans can live. The ones locked up in jail communicated with the ones outside through Carmen's cousin who is a guard. Maria Teresa was able to sneak a diary inside where she writes down all her thoughts in. In this chapter, we can see how Maria Teresa is worried and how Minerva is more calm. We also see the strong relationship between Maria  Teresa and Leandro. Maria Teresa was taken to La 40 where she was whipped in front of Leandro, to get him to say yes to a job from Trujillo, and he agreed because he couldn't stand seeing his wife in such pain. The OAS(Organization of American States) also came to investigate on the conditions of the prison. In here, we can see the different thoughts and personalities between Maria Teresa and Minerva. Minerva wants Maria Teresa to mention what had happened in LA 40, but Maria Teresa didn't wanna risk the guard who had helped them a lot. She cares about his safety rather than her own. Maria Teresa and Minerva were released the following day and was put under house arrest. The last chapter does a lot of foreshadowing which give the readers an idea about how Minerva and Maria Teresa will die soon. Dede begged her sisters not to go together to visit their husbands, but they didn't listen. Minerva would also say stuffs like, "Come on, Dede. Think how sorry you'd be if something should happen to us and you didn't say goodbye" or "As we stood in the dark a while longer, calming ourselves, I had this eerie feeling that we were already dead and looking longingly at the house where our children were growing up without us" which give the readers a clear sense that death is near. 

                   When I was reading the part where Maria Teresa was taken to LA 40. It reminded me of 1984 when Winston was taken in a room by O'Brien where he was tortured. Winston finally came to the realization that he don't really love Julie since he said that they should torture Julie instead of him. However, in The Times of Butterflies, we saw the complete opposite. Although this method is horrible, it is easy to tell if your significant other really love you or not. Also, I feel that Maria Teresa is really brave deep inside even though we can tell she was scared most of the times in the cell. It was really sweet how she cared about Santiclo's safety and choose not to worried about herself. This just shows how to Maria Teresa, Santiclo is not just a "note passer", but a person, human being, and a friend.  

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